I am a TAC client. How do I obtain psychology services?
Contact your Case Manager to check that you are eligible. Most often then, a referral from your GP (or TAC doctor) is requested, which provides 5 sessions to support you and make an initial assessment of your needs.
I want to bring my child but I also have an 18-month old and I don’t have a babysitter.
Your baby or toddler is very welcome to accompany you! They will find our offices quite comfortable.
My twins have behaviour problems, some speech issues and some issues with sleep and eating. Help! Should I tackle these all at once?
It is often easier to focus on one type of intervention at a time. You are welcome to call and have a chat with us to figure out which type of support you would like to start first.
My son has a drug and alcohol problem. Can I bring him?
It would be important for your son to be completely reviewed by his General Practitioner. A drug and alcohol specialist agency is the preferred service provider.
My child needs some help in his school setting (he does not have an aide). Can you help his teachers to help him?
We are able to visit schools, creches and kinders to provide further assessment and to work out a detailed support plan with your education professionals.
My mother is a resident in a care setting. Is she able to access your services?
Elders who are clients of Government funding for residential care are eligible for special routes of access for the Better Access Medicare scheme. If you do not wish to use these, health insurance rebates or private funding may be alternative options.
We are about to begin a Family Court process. Can I bring my daughter?
If your GP shares your concerns for your daughter then s/he may want to make a referral. Unless there is a specific Order preventing this, children are able to access support for their mental health.
We have had a difficult time and so my son and I would both like some help. Should we see the same psychologist?
To assist with the best care for you and to support your privacy, different psychologists would be made available.
I have been a victim of crime. How do I obtain services?
Talk to the Police officers who assisted you; they may direct you to a specialist Victims of Crime law service. This process is quick, and your lawyer can request support and/or Assessment services by email from us if you are eligible.