Victims of Crime Referrals
Those experiencing violence or its aftermath are often highly stressed. A totally unexpected event may have changed their lives and made them feel very ill at ease.
Ongoing counselling helps people to build a new life path and to define ways of feeling safe in the world again.
- Referral pathways are often:
- Referral via a victims’ support agency with funding
- Referral via EACH or the Northern Victims Assistance Program for additional counselling
Reports can be prepared for the Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal upon request from a lawyer.
Family Violence
Family violence disrupts the core of peoples’ lives. Adults may find themselves in the midst of extreme life changes such as having to suddenly find new housing with no extra income – when also trying to care for children. There is often a huge sense of loss to cope with.
Family violence support organisations may make a referral for help and advice when people are immediately stressed or distressed. Later on, there may be assessments needed to ascertain the impacts upon children for Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal matters. Ongoing counselling helps people to build a new life path and to define ways of feeling safe in the world again.
Referral pathways are often:
- Referral via a family violence support agency with funding
- Referral request from the child’s school where stress or behaviour changes have been noticed
- Referral directly from your GP
Call us to make appointments for Victims of Crime support.